Friday, October 24, 2014

Come to our craft fair...if you dare! Happy Halloween!

Come see us at the First United Methodist Church tomorrow! We will have mostly Halloween items at this craft fair since it's only a week away! So make sure the kiddos have their tutus, bows, and legwarmers just in time for their Halloween parties at school!

We are excited about our new business card design, too (ignore Heather's reflection--cell phone pic! lol)!

We designed the back of our business cards in memory of our grandfather, who was quite the jokester. He used to carry around cards that said "My Card" and casually hand them out after saying, "Oh, let me give you one of my cards." He was a hoot, and we think he'd be pretty proud that we included a little bit of his humor on "our cards."

Other than creating new business cards, we have not done much in terms of crafting lately. We unexpectedly lost our grandmother almost two months ago and are just now trying to get back into our "normal" lives. It's hard to describe what a loss it was--she was an amazing grandmother and the most selfless person I have ever known. I think my uncle said it best in her obituary. Here's the link... Losing her has not been easy, but seeing just how many people's lives were touched through her sweet life has been inspiring. We miss her every day.

On a happy note, we're excited about the craft fair tomorrow and hope you stop by our booth to say hey!


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