Tuesday, April 2, 2019

aDOORable wreaths

I've been doing a little decluttering, and I found so many pictures of projects I have done over the years, making me super excited to show them all off! So for today...wreaths! I LOVE wreaths-they are so fun to make and even more fun to give as gifts! Here are some of my faves...

The flash on this picture is a little overwhelming, but I loved this cute wreath I made for Azzi's nursery! Now Chase and Azzi have a baby sister...I'm thinking she probably needs a wreath for her door too... 😉

Chase Lee is a big UT fan, so I made him a special Bevo wreath! 

One of my fabulous supervisors during grad school was a TCU fan, so I made this for her office door!
After making this wreath, I decided to make wreaths for all of my supervisors as going away presents! This supervisor was a huge Rangers fan and this is probably my favorite wreath!

I made this one for myself after I graduated!
Alright, it's only Tuesday, and I was ready for Friday yesterday, so I'd better get some rest so I can be a tiny bit less crabby tomorrow! 😉
