Friday, March 29, 2013

A Peek Inside Our Craft Room!

A little over a year ago, Heather and I decided we wanted to live closer to her school and my work, so we moved out of our parents' house and into our own place. We both figured living together would be a pretty smart move because our work and school were close and let's be honest, aside from a few punches to the arm and kicks to the face (true story), the 22 years we've lived together have been pretty calm and free of serious violence or drama ;).

So when we started our search for a place, we were looking at very small (cheap) two bedroom apartments. Then, our mom told us that we would have to move all of our craft supplies out of her house...that changed everything. We knew we would have to have a third room to house all of our precious stuff (and believe me, I'm NOT complaining about that! ;) ). 

We completely lucked out. We found an awesome house for rent, in a perfect location, with the most flexible and understanding landlords. And the second we saw the third bedroom, we both knew it was meant to be. It looked like it was already set up for a craft room!

So here are some pictures of our craft room--my favorite room ever. 

This is what you see right when you walk in the door...our tutu lamp! My goal is for the entire lamp to be tutus! And you can see Scamper in her Barbie shirt at the bottom of the picture ;)

Right next to our tutu lamp we have shoe storage door hangers on each closet door. In those we conveniently have strips of tulle cut to the different lengths we make our tutus (Ah, this is confirming that we are official NERDS! lol!)

In between the doors, we have pegboard with the things we use most often at the top. And then we added some cute unopened knick knacks we didn't have any other place for...mainly to make us feel like we were shopping when picking things out ;)

These shelves were perfect for all of our scrapbooking/stamping/etc. supplies! Like I said, I think this room was meant to be a craft room!

This purple drawer set fits perfectly underneath our shelves...again, meant to be a craft room! It's probably one of my favorite things in our room because it holds all of my Cricut stuff...I take all of the booklets out of the Cricut cases because I think it makes it easier to look through them quickly for ideas!

When we first moved in, we thought this one badly painted purple wall (well, not even wall, just a section of the wall!) was totally weird and ugly...BUT then we realized it was the perfect length for ribbon holders! As you can see, we don't always roll the ribbons all the way up when we're finished...don't judge.
Heather had this idea of using magnet boards and magnetic canisters from Ikea to put all of our brads and other opened knick knacks in directly above our work space. This way, we can see little embellishments that we can add to projects that otherwise we probably would have forgotten we had!

This fits perfectly underneath the table we work at, which is great because it holds all the main things we need for anything, like cutting tools, adhesives, writing tools, glitter, and buttons!
This is my favorite of those explanation needed ;)

One more of my favorite storage ideas that we came up with...
It's hard to see, but we used one of the under the bed long drawers and hot glued plastic in it to create drawer dividers for all of our pretty flowers!

And our craft room wouldn't be complete without...

Sister pictures!...and a ballerina pig! 
Sadly, we didn't make these cute frames...they came from Hobby Lobby!

So that is our craft room (or the majority of it anyway!)! I hope y'all enjoyed it!

Have a fun and happy Easter, and don't forget why we celebrate!

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