Sunday, December 8, 2013

SICK of the Cold

Here in Texas we have been iced in going on 4 days now. Wow, I am so sick of the cold. Also, I'm sick of the cold/stomach bug I'm assuming I got from Heather over Thanksgiving (thanks a lot, sister!). After over 2 days of literally lying in bed all day every day, only getting up for the occasional bathroom break, I decided to be productive today! SO since I haven't updated in way too long, here's an update! :)

Things have been..........crazy. And that's putting it lightly. There hasn't been a lot of time for crafting, BUT the crafting we have done has been put to good use! Here are pictures! I'll start with the oldest :)

 Halloween 2012
Heather and I actually took the time to decorate our house in Halloween 2012 for a mini Halloween party! Here are some of the things we made for it...

Time consuming but easy, and I think it turned out pretty cute!

I LOVE this candy bucket Heather and I made. You can't see all of it too well in this picture, but it says "Witch's Brew" and it's written on top of a broom!

 Baby Shower 2013

Our cousin Jessica had a baby shower in spring of this year, so we made her sweet girl a few things! We will finally get to meet her this Christmas and I can't wait!!!

Our cousin's favorite princess growing up was Cinderella, so we made this for her daughter (Riley). The picture was taken with my phone and is horrible, and we did move the wired flowers around before actually giving it to her! lol!
          Heather made this bow, and I thought it was just so stinkin' precious!
What little girl doesn't want a tutu!?
Riley's daddy is in the military, so what better way to honor him than to add camo ribbon to a girly bow? ;)
Our aunt let us know the style Jessica wanted to decorate the nursery,
 so we made a memo board to match!
Heather's Wedding 2013
Heather got married to her long-time boyfriend in June! I have WAY more pictures of homemade things that we (and our mom!) did for the wedding/shower/bachelorette party, but the pictures are on my camera, and I don't have it with me :(
It's blurry, but I made these invitations for the shower!
And I made these invitations for the bachelorette party!

We made "sweating for the wedding" shirts to wear during our workouts in the months before the wedding! I don't have a picture of mine or my friend Brittany's, but all three of us made them!
Heather decided to do a broach bouquet, and she spent so much time on it! I think every minute was worth it--
it's beautiful!
Here is a picture of all of the bridesmaids and Heather and our broach bouquets!

Chase's 3rd Birthday

My favorite little boy had his 3rd birthday party in July!

Brittany and I made the banner, Brittany made the adorable little candy trains in the right corner, and her friend made the cute little cake and cupcakes!

Brittany's Wedding 2013

Three months after Heather's wedding, my BFF, Brittany got married! I have a few more pictures of things we did for her wedding too, but they're not with me! I think this was both of our most proud piece of art though...  

It's blurry, but isn't this card box absolutely gorgeous!? We painstakingly put tiny rhinestones, one by one, on the damask print. One of her friends said, "It's beautiful, but no one is going to realize that you did all of that! They'll think you bought it like that!" We said, "Oh well, it's beautiful!" lol!

And coming soon...Our cousin Christen is getting married, too! (all three of my best friends got married within 7 months of each other--how crazy is that!?! I LOVE it!) So, I'm sure I will have some more pictures to show after her wedding!

Since that is all I can find of the most recent homemade things, that's all I'm going to post! Hope you enjoyed it and.....



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