Saturday, March 8, 2014

Missing Work...Is This Real Life!??!

I never thought I would say this, but....I actually miss working! I quit my job as a Pre-K teacher in December because I went back to school, and the full-time employee + full-time grad student thing was proving to be way too much for me. I have LOVED mooching off of my parents and not having a job (lol), but next week is spring break for both my school and my practicum site, so I guess I'm just feeling too lazy and like I'm not a valuable member of! Plus, I miss my co-workers and the kiddos I taught SO much! Am I going back to work? No way! I just wanted to make a crafty tribute to my old job and needed to explain why! ;) So, here are some of the bulletin boards my class and I made at work!

October 2013. The kids painted bowls and drew faces on them. Then, I told the kids we would work as a team to make as many pom pom spiders as we could! They loved it, and it was super easy! They just glued wiggle eyes on different sized pom poms. Then I glued them to the bulletin board and used Tulip Paint to add some legs!

August 2013. Right before they went off to Kindergarten, I had the kids make little books (the kiddo who made the little yellow one at the end was absent on the last day, so I didn't staple it to the board yet). I made the little "bookshelf" out of construction paper...It was a lot of trial and error!! And I attached strings to their books and stapled the string so the books could be looked at but not taken!   

Front of the books

First page of the books

2nd and 3rd pages of the books

My favorite part of the kids' books! I asked them to tell me about themselves. While they talked, I typed up exactly what they said (pretty hilarious!!).

June 2013. For Summer, my class combined with the other Pre-K class, and we became "Pre-K Explorers!" The Kindergarten teacher and I co-taught the class, and she came up with the cute snakes and lizards I think, so I don't really remember exactly how they were made! I made the cactus (paper towel and toilet tube rolls painted green, then stabbed toothpicks into them). The kids loved making the sunset (I just put sky blue bulletin board paper across the table and let the kids finger paint)! And you can't tell from the picture, but the bottom is sandpaper! 

May 2013. The kids got to pick which farm animal they wanted to make and the colors/decorations. It took us forever to get all of them done since they were all different, but I thought it turned out very cute! The bird and chickens were made from toilet paper tubes, feathers, pipe cleaners, and construction paper; the cows were made from paper plates, yarn (for tails), and construction paper; horses were made from plates, paper and yarn; pigs were made from plates, paper, pipe cleaners (for the curly tails), and cut up egg cartons for the noses!

This was November 2012...Ah, these are in no particular order by the way! lol! The kiddos made their squirrels with paper towel tubes, pom poms, pipe cleaner arms, cotton ball tails (which didn't turn out too great!), and I think air drying clay for the heads...Then they each picked one thing they were thankful for, and I wrote them on the little acorns that I made from paper.

Ugh, this picture is so blurry! But I think this was our hallway bulletin board in March 2013. We made the earth with their hand prints (and I let them add some white clouds with their fingers), they decorated paper versions of themselves, then they each wrote down one way they like to help the Earth.

I think this was March 2013? I'm not too sure. I think the kids were supposed to be working on patterns, but everyone forgets directions when they see chalk and wiggle eyes! ;)

I was pretty proud of these cuties! We had an Easter bonnet parade in 2013, so the kids and I made these chick bonnets with a paper plate (I cut the middle out), a bowl pushed up through the plate, a Styrofoam head, paper grass and beak, and wiggle eyes! They looked even cuter when the kids were wearing them! 

April 2013! I LOVE Easter. It is my absolute favorite holiday, and I LOVED this board!! The kids decorated paper eggs with crayons and/or glitter, and I put brads on them so the top opened up and showed pictures of them! I made the basket by weaving strips of construction paper, free-handed the bunny (with a cotton ball and pipe cleaners for the nose and whiskers), and the kids decorated cupcake liners/clothespins for the butterflies!

February 2013! One of my absolute favorites!! I got the idea off of Pinterest I think. The little frogs held the kids' valentines! The only part I didn't think through was 1.some of them had too many valentines to fit in the frogs, and 2. I took the frogs off of the board on Valentine's then I had to staple them BACK up so I didn't have an empty board!

One of the frogs before the valentines were added. They're made from tissue boxes, paper plate legs, and popsicle sticks (with paper circles) for toes!

Can you tell I was a little lazy in January 2013? ;) paper plate cars and paper wheels with brads so they could spin.

This was our hallway Xmas 2012 board! The picture cut off the snowmen on the end, but it said, "Pre-K 1 is 'snow' excited for this holiday season!" They were made from tri-folded paper (cut three different lengths), button eyes, pom pom buttons (lol, we used buttons for eyes and didn't use buttons for buttons...hmmm), pipe cleaner arms, popsicle stick noses, and paper hats!

This was our classroom X-mas 2012 board (yes, I had two bulletin boards to do every other month)...I got this idea off of Pinterest I think! I changed a couple things about them (don't even remember what now!), and they were supposed to be Christmas card holders, but we used them as wish list holders instead! (see next picture ;) ) We used paper plates for the body and head, paper legs, pom pom noses, and spork ears!

Don't know why this is sideways, but it is TOO cute!!

This was in our "back to school board" in can't tell from this picture, but you could move the owls' wings, and the kids' pictures and names were on their tummies! they're just made with toilet paper tubes and paper (cardstock for the wings!).

So, needless to say, I'm really missing the kiddos and my old job right about now! But! I will be so happy I quit as soon as school starts back up! ;)

'Till next time!

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