Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Practicum and Paint!

This year so far (senior year for both of us!) has been so busy that we fell way behind on updating our website! So we decided to switch from a website to a blog, and hopefully it will be easier to update!

This spring I completed my first practicum with a WONDERFUL non-profit organization that grants wishes to Texas children diagnosed with life threatening illnesses. They are called A Wish with Wings (visit their website to learn more!). Needless to say, I absolutely LOVED it and the three sweet and hard working ladies who helped me through my journey, so I wanted to make them something really special to thank them. I decided to make each of them a picture frame with painted butterflies (the organization's logo is a butterfly). It was definitely trial and error--I had never painted something for anyone other than myself because I am usually unhappy with what I make (maybe I'm a little bit of a perfectionist ;) )! But I feel like all three frames turned out pretty stinkin' cute considering my lack of painting experience. What's even better is they were SO FUN to make! I forgot about how much I love painting, and hopefully I will get better with practice! So here are some pictures of the finished products:

All three loved their frames (or maybe they were just trying to make me feel good--it worked! heehee)! One of the girls even asked if I could make a custom frame for father's day to give to her boyfriend from his daughter. Of course I jumped at the chance, and I will put up pictures of the frame I made as soon as I find out which camera or phone I took them on! (A little disorganized? Me? No, never!)

'Till Next Time,


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